Change - Mission

Created on Jan. 17, 2013, 1:41 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Jan. 18, 2013, 7:07 p.m. by Hevok

A mission is the act of sending someone/something for the specific purposes or task to do (Duties). ¶

The Denigma Project leads to the creation of a new kind of data management system for the War Against Aging. The first prototype that can be changed was initiated by the Global Computing Initiative. Denigma sets discrete and clear Goals. Currently it is at the transition between completing a full functional prototype and starting building up a community. ¶

Technical presentations will detail how Denigma can be changed effectively. Everyone is heartily welcome to participate. It will be like a series of Tutorials. ¶

In short Denigma is placed in the cloud to be highly scalable, it uses a Web Framework with a high reputation for rapid development, namely Django that is written in Python, a multi-purpose programming language which has a wonderful syntax, reads like English, is used extensively by scientists and can be utilized for really anything. Denigma currently uses Relational Database as backend (DBs), because they are very well developed and there are protocols to scale them up easily. NoSQL database system are also currently adapted to complement the relational system as they are more suitable to model biological systems. ¶

Researchers on Denigma will see and be able to access an Ontology (a knowledge base) specifically for Aging Research. The inputs are Data Units and information on Aging which is systematized in Denigma. The Ontology itself is used to annotated data, Researchers and resources on Aging. This firstly will facilitate the establishment and maintenance of collaborations and therefore make Research more efficient. In the long term it enables that machine algorithms can operate on this collective knowledge base. There will be specific deciphering algorithms that answer questions regarding the nature of Aging and how to intervene with it. ¶

Among the data that is employed there is notable, general Annotations of biological entities like molecules (including Classifications), Tissues and Species, biological Interactions, gene Expressions, and most importantly data from Lifespan Studies that have measured the Lifespan of organisms in order to identi
tfy efficient Interventions and enable to Distribute Science. ¶

Together we are fighting the Aging process. United under the International Longevity Alliance we will win the war!

Comment: Corrected typo.

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