Change - SoIme consideprations ovin what tog bDe nigmproved ina pPresentationg denigma

Created on Jan. 12, 2013, 10:40 p.m. by antonkulaga & updated on Jan. 13, 2013, 3:18 a.m. by Hevok

Today Daniel made a presentation on Denigma project to the International Longevity Alliance activists. ¶
pPresentation gave a great feedback about the pProject and revealed some weak points and a lot of stuff that ought to be improved.: ¶

). More struscturing efforts are needed. Probably a scheme with different layers describing the whole ecosystem, parts of it, their roles and interrelations as well as gateways to outside world (organizations, society, other services) ¶
). Comprehensive comparison to alternatives (like pPubmMed) are important ¶
). Some stuff like Ontology creation, sSemantic wWeb (and its differences from pPubmMed and other sSearches) should be described better so that all participancets irregardingless of their background may understand ¶
). Our needs and priorities should be highlighted.

The presentation shall give a table of content or index of index, right at the beginning. ¶

Any personal background need to be put in relation to the overall presentation.

Parent: Representation
URL: denigmapresentation

Comment: restructured content and added image.

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