Change - Global Site-Wide Search

Created on Dec. 7, 2012, 12:24 p.m. by Hevok & updated on March 21, 2013, 6:58 p.m. by age

Denigma needs a omnipotent search function which is able to search all fields ¶
of all tables or only a specified subset as it was similar
ly implemented in ¶
Denigma's Wiki. ¶
There are numerous ways on how to implement searching. One option would be ¶
Haystack_/Whoosh_ and another Xapian/Djapian ¶
[]. ¶
For Denigma it was decided to use the former as they are clean pure python implementations. ¶
Haystack_ and whoosh_ need to be added to the requirements:: ¶
... ¶
# whoosh ¶
-e git:// ¶
... ¶
Haystack_ has to be added to the INSTALLED_APPS within the ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
... ¶
... ¶
'haystack', ¶
... ¶
Specify the Haystack connections, e.g. for Whoosh_ (set the PATH to place the Whoosh index on the filesystem): ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
'default': { ¶
'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.whoosh_backend.WhooshEngine', ¶
'PATH': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'whoosh_index'), # Use PROJECT_ROOT instead of __file__. ¶
}, ¶
} ¶
Create in the corresponding app folder and there define a text field with docuement=True to indicate that it is the primary field for searching within.The conversion is to name it text as it has to be consistent across all SearchIndex classes: ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
import datetime ¶
from haystack import indexes ¶
from models import Post ¶
class PostIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): ¶
created = indexes.DateTimeField(model_attr='created') ¶
updated = indexes.DateTimeField(model_attr='updated') ¶
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True) ¶
tags = indexes.MultiValueField() ¶
def get_model(self): ¶
return Post ¶
def index_queryset(self): ¶
"""Used when the entire index for model is updated.""" ¶
return self.get_model().objects.filter( ¶
Adding an custom optional index_queryset method allows to filter for only a specified selection of objects, for instance in order to allow user to add future content in ahead. ¶
If use_template=True was provided for the main search field, an additional file <modelname>_text.txt need to be created in the template directory called ¶
`search/indexes/myapp/<modelname>_text.txt` and the following need
s to be placed within it: ¶
.. sourcecode:: django ¶
{{ object.title }} ¶
{{ object.creator.get_full_name }} ¶
{{ object.text }} ¶
Add the search view to the URLconf: ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
... ¶
(r'^search/', include('haystack.urls')), ¶
... ¶
Lastly reindex by running the following command:: ¶
$ ./ rebuild_index ¶
Unsure that whoosh_index is writeable:: ¶
$ chmod 777 whoosh_index ¶
An update can be performed by running:: ¶
$ ./ update_index ¶
The number of search results displayed per page can be set in the global configuration: ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
# ¶
... ¶
... ¶
The richard project ['>] which is used by ¶
[]q=django+customizing] is an excellent ¶
example for the implementation of th
iese libraries. ¶
The search template should really be redesigned and perform a default search. The results ¶
need to be better annotated (e.g. from which model the information stems and in which ¶
context the term was found. Spell correction and auto-completion should be included. ¶
The global search field should be in gr
eay if not selected and placed more in the centrer ¶
of the upper navigation panel. ¶
The rebuild_indexes need to be automated and performed regular
ly. ¶
An alternative real-time search function can be implemented. ¶
Optionally other search engines can be utilized. ¶
Look into the Haystack documentation for more details on implementation way to accomplish ¶
the above proposed enhancement and other functionalities of value ¶
[]. ¶
.. _haystack: &para]
.. _whoosh:

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "whoosh".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "whoosh".

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "whoosh".

Comment: Updated entry

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