Change - Determine Focus

Created on March 13, 2013, 9:08 a.m. by Hevok & updated on March 18, 2013, 8:16 p.m. by Hevok

First of all one has determine the Domain and Focus of an Ontology. This means which Domain should be covered by the Ontology and what should be the Ontolgogy used for. Moreover one has to think about which tTypes of Questions should be answered by the Knowledge that is represented within the Ontology. One has of course also to take care of the uUsers, who will use and maintain the Ontology. ¶

pProcess is ended or summed up in the Formulation of Competence Questions. ¶

Which Domain should be covered by the Ontology
What should the Ontology be used for? ¶
What types of questions should be answered by the Knowledge represented in the Ontology? ¶
Who will use and maintain the Ontology? ¶
* Formulation of competence Questions

These Questions might change within the Ontology
lLife cCycle

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