Change: Footnotes

created on Oct. 26, 2012, 1:51 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Oct. 26, 2012, 1:51 p.m. by Hevok

Footnote references, like [5]_. Note that footnotes may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the "page".

.. [5] A numerical footnote. Note there is no colon after the ]

Autonumbered footnotes are possible, like [#] and [#].

.. [#] This is the first one. .. [#] This is the second one.

They may be assigned 'autonumber labels' - for instance, [#fourth] and [#third].

.. [#third] a.k.a. third_

.. [#fourth] a.k.a. fourth_

Auto-symbol footnotes are also possible, like this: []_ and []_.

.. [] This is the first one. .. [] This is the second one.

Also arbitrary names can be used like [#harald] and [#franz].

.. [#franz] a.k.a. franz_ .. [#harald] a.k.a. harald_

Note the numbering of auto-numbered footnotes is determined by the order of the footnotes, not of the references. In the case of auto-numbered footnote references without autonumber labels ("[#]_"), the references and footnotes must be in the same relative order. Similarly for auto-symbol footnotes ("[*]_").

footnote_1.jpg footnote_3.jpg

Categories: Tutorial
Parent: Explicit Markup

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