Change: Linked Data

created on Feb. 2, 2013, 7:39 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Feb. 2, 2013, 7:39 p.m. by Hevok

Linked Data is a sea change akin to the Invention of the WWW itself. We have gone from a Web of documents, to a Web of data. We have to go on a crusade for everyone from government departmens, to individuals, to open up their data and put it on the Web - so that others can link to it and use it.

Linked Data is an offical W3C Project. It is about using the Web to connect related data that was not previously linked, or using the Web to lower te barriers to linking data currently linked using other methods.

There are four principles of Linked DataÖ

  1. Use URIs to identify objects that are exopsed to the Web as resources.
  2. Use HTTP URIs so that agents can locate and look up (dereference) These objects.
  3. Provide useful Information about the resource when ist URI is dereferenced.
  4. Include Links to other, related URIs in te exposed data as a means of improving Information discovery on the Web.

Linked Data allows to discover, connect to, describe, and re-use all kinds of data. It is to data what the World Wide Web was to documents back in the 90's.

Linked Data builds on and interconnects existing Ontologies such as WordNet, FOAF, SKOS. The datasets grant access to their knownledge bases and link to itmes in other datasets.

The Project follows Basic design principles of the World Wide Web: simplicity, tolerance, modular design, and decentralization. The Linked Open Data Project Counts more than billions of RDF triples, which is a lot of knowledge. The participitating datasets are rapidely growing. The datasets can be accessed in heterogenous ways for example, through a semantic web browser or being crawled by a semantic search engine.

Linked Data is there to be used. Linked Data enables data to be opened up and connected so that agents can build interesting new things from it. Linked Data can be described as boxes of data that - when connected via open Standards - enable things to sprout from it.

Linked Data is one of the most important Trends of the Web.


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