Change: Application

created on Jan. 2, 2013, 2:41 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Jan. 2, 2013, 2:41 p.m. by Hevok

An Application tries to provide a single, relatively self-contained set of related functions an classes. An Application can define a set of models (thought it does not have to) and can define and register custom template tags and filters (though, again, it does not have to).

Views, custom manipulators, context processors and most other things can all be either defined at the level of the Project or of the Application, and where the are depends on what is most effective. In general, though, they are best placed inside an Application (this increases their portability across Projects).

Denigma is highly modular composed of several Applications, each with defined functions (Modularity).


Categories: News
Parent: Web Framework

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