Biology of Aging Repository -is part of-> Biology of Aging Collaboration

Created by Hevok on Dec. 18, 2012, 2:48 a.m. & updated by Hevok on Dec. 18, 2012, 2:48 a.m.

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  • "From entry": by Biology of Aging Repository

  • Biology of Aging Repository

    The biology of aging repository is a Scientist-friendly repository of documents and works specific to lifespan extension/biology of Aging.

    Since the Aging process affects all aspects of life, computational analyses require integration of a maximum amount of variety of reliable and accurate biological data and knowledge (Integrator).

    Data deposition shall be encouraged and even made mandatory for publication. Such data includes chiefly Lifespan tables, gene Expressions, molecular Signatures and other relevant Datasets.

    The Biology of aging repository is based on the Human Ageing Genomics Resources (HAGR).

    Tags: repository, research, lifespan, science
    Categories: News, Content


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    is part of

    Objects can be constructed by combining them with each other (e.g. mitochondria is part of the cytoplasm and an organelle membrane is part of the organelle). The part of entry can be inherited (e.g. cytoplasm is part of the cell, therefore mitochondria are also part of the cell).

    Tags: aggregation, composition
    Categories: Relationship


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    Biology of Aging Collaboration

    There is a strong interest in getting a generic community platform running, and from that platform, it is suggested that there should be a link to a resource that assembles age-related data in a crowd-sourcing way supported by ontologies (Ontology) as well as links to the Marketplace and the a Who's Who_.

    .. _resource that assembles age-related data:

    It is appreciated that there is positive response and agreement for going in this direction. Clearly, there is a need for approaching such an endeavour. Sooner or later it needs to be done anyway. There is no other way we can cope with the increasing amount of biological data on aging and to solve all the age-related changes in a systematic fashion. There is no time to wait, better now than later! Preparation must start today.

    It is proposed to identify selected centralized places:

    Generic Community Platform

    • Assembly of age-related data in a crowd-sourced Ontology way

    • Denigma's Biology of Aging Repository Section

    • Marketplace / Funding possibilities

    • IARP_ (International Aging Research Portfolio)

    • EIP_ (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing)

      • Register_ to give more weight to biology of Aging in the European Union
      • Forum_ discussion about Research topics and identification of potential collaborators
      • Funding_ (requires registration)
    • Who's Who oriented for collaboration

    • WhosWho on gerontology_

    • Need to know for each person if they are strongly looking for collaboration and which type

    • Online community video conferences at any time

    • Longevity Island with Second Life_ created jointly with the International longevity Alliance

    • Continues Skype_ longevity meeting (contact: edebonneuil)

      • Dmitri Shytikov (immunology of aging young-old transfer of stem cells and blood) presented on the first meeting to see with the audience for potential collaborations
      • Daniel Wuttke will present on the Saturday January 12th_ about Linking Researchers to Solve Aging
    • 2nd Live and Skype will probably coexist due to the large use of Skype_

    .. IARP: .. _EIP: .. _Register:
    .. _Forum: ..
    Marketplace: .. Funding: .. WhosWho on gerontology: .. Who's Who: .. International Longevity Alliance: .. Second Life:]gclid=CMb4h9fYorQCFctQ3godUCsAJw .. 2nd Live:]gclid=CMb4h9fYorQCFctQ3godUCsAJw .. Skype: .. Saturday January 12th:

    The marketplace is some kind of forum where ideas, thoughts and services are exchanged and funding identified.

    Be sure that you can count on Heales_, the International Longevity Alliance_ and other connected organizations to help promote those centralized places and help create a strong community of aging research throughout the world!

    .. _Heales:

    Tags: longevity, rest, collaborators, coordination, co-operation, lifespan, preparation
    Categories: News, reST, Quest


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