Change - Passing Python Data to JavaScript

Created on Dec. 5, 2012, 11:40 p.m. by Hevok & updated on Dec. 5, 2012, 11:44 p.m. by Hevok

Data can be passed from python to JavaScript by dumping the object into ¶
json and safe escaping it in the template (py2js_): ¶
.. sourcecode:: python ¶
# ¶
... ¶
from django.shortcuts import render ¶
from django.utils import simplejson ¶
... ¶
def view(request, template='graph.html'): ¶
network = { ¶
'data': { ¶
'nodes': [ ¶
{'id': '1', 'label': 'Concepts', 'text':'Denigma Concepts'}, ¶
{'id': '2', 'label': 'Aspects', 'text':'Three aspects'} ¶
], ¶
'edges': [ ¶
{'id': '2to1', 'label': 'belongs_to', 'text':'A belonging to relationship', 'target':'1', 'source': '2'} ¶
] ¶
} ¶
} ¶
network_json = simplejson.dumps(network) ¶
return render(request, template, {'network_json': network_json}) ¶
... ¶
.. sourcecode::
djangos ¶
# graph.html ¶
... ¶
<script type="text/javascript"> ¶
... ¶
data = {{ network_json|safe }}; ¶
... ¶
</script> ¶
... ¶
.. _py2js:

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (, line 3); backlink

Unknown target name: "py2js".

Comment: Switch from django to js rendering in second code block as it is only JavaScript.

Comment on This Data Unit